About Myself

I generally go by Luc or Sirius. I'm non-binary and I prefer they/them exclusively, but I'm also ok with he/they. I'm also an INTP.

I made this site so I can have a place to infodump without the limitations of social media sites have. I can have full control of the website layout and features I'd want, like a blog and a 'library' section. While you can technically have both on a site like tumblr, its not exactly how I'd want it organized.
I like videogames and collecting handheld consoles. Favorite videogame being Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask,
and favorite handheld being the 3DS XL. I've recently picked up an interest in RPG maker games, and plan on
making one myself in the future
as I impulse bought RPG Maker when it was on sale and refuse to let my money go to waste.
Reading is something I enjoy, and I tend to go through books pretty fast. The genre I like the most is portal fantasy or high fantasy stories, especially when stories are D&D or Lord of The Rings esque.
I also like art, but I'd consider it a 'lesser' interest of mine. Most of my works are fanart of whatever interests me the latest. I don't finish drawings often though. I will eventually make an art page here.